Sunday, December 28, 2014

How D'Angelo Made Me Open to Falling In Love Again

You would have to really know me to understand this. Since most of you don’t really know me I’m going to do my best to give you a glimpse of me. I’ve been described as oxymoronic, mysterious, emotionless, emotional, serious, silly, fearless, unique and odd. I’m a lot of things wrapped up in one woman.  However, one thing I wouldn’t be described as is a woman looking for love. For a long time now I’ve been Ms. Go With the Flow. Ms. I Just Want to Enjoy Life. My Only Child Style personality would often scoff at the thought of sharing my space with another human being all the time. Sometimes = yeah. All the time = panic. I think I even began subconsciously picking people who I ultimately knew would not work out as “All the Time”. You know, Mr. Emotionally Unavailable. Mr. Doesn’t Quite Have it Together Yet, Mr. We’re At Different Stages of Life Right Now and my all-time favorite, Mr. Wounded Bird. If it looked like it could be—forever-ever I internally freaked out. I’m a self-proclaimed “Avid Seeker of Freedom”. I try to love everyone but that relationship type love was not on my freedom seeking radar.

Then a few Sundays back I happened to glance through Instagram and I saw several people post that D’Angelo would be dropping his album “Black Messiah” at midnight. Saaay Whu? My initial thought was--

Sunday, November 23, 2014

To Whom Will You Be Giving Your $$ This Holiday Season?

“Black Friday” is looming around the corner which means the holiday season is about to officially be upon us. But here’s my angle. While we’re preparing to be jolly, deck the halls and jingle bells, I just want to check in with everyone to see how much of these tidings of great joy are going back into our communities. This is not going to be one of those finger-pointing, condemnation pieces. I don’t operate in that zone. So let’s just call it a memo to Black America or a call to attention.

Sometime over the next few weeks I will do what I guess you could call my version of holiday shopping. It will occur at three of my favorite Black owned businesses that I frequent throughout the year. As usual, I will buy books written for Black children as Kwanzaa gifts plus a few essential items for myself. That’s it for me. I understand that many who have small children go all out in the realm of purchasing gifts. So my question is during all this holiday spending what percentage is going back to the community? As a matter of fact, what percentage of your annual spending do you feel has gone back to the Black community? Is it 20%, 10%, 2.5%, 0? Are you familiar with Black owned businesses in your area? What about service providers such as doctors, mechanics, repair men/women? If you drop change into the Salvation Army bucket on your way out of Wal-Mart do you drop a little dough into the pot for the organizations in your area that cater directly to the needs of our communities? How about any of those programs and events that you oh so fervently “like” and retweet online? I bet a nice Paypal contribution would bring some serious joy to their world. Social media has definitely solidified its place in the movement but virtual activism will never supersede real life actions and contributions.

See, Black Enterprise says that the Black spending power is estimated to reach $1.2 trillion dollars by

Sunday, November 16, 2014

It's Definitely The Black Woman's Fault

I have a friend named Danny. He recently got divorced and is in the middle of an intense custody battle for his twin boys. Danny is hard-working. Honestly, I don’t know what kind of husband he was but I do know he is a dedicated father. I know he is hurting as a result of the distance between himself and his sons and I also know he has developed a scathing resentment towards ALL Black women…

I had to stop communicating with Danny for a while because almost every conversation or text was filled with “See, the problem is that the Black woman doesn’t…” or “The Black woman always…” or the Black woman never…” I mean if it got cold outside “The Black woman” caused it. If I tried to make Danny see that he was doing some serious generalizing and that he was being extremely unfair he would dismiss it as me being insensitive to the plight of the Black man. I was 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

When We Know Better…

If you know me personally or keep up with me online then you know that working with children is
one of the major parts of my life. I talk a lot about how much I love them, the lessons I teach them and the lessons they teach me. I could go on for hours about this but I won’t bore you that way. What I will do is address something that has been weighing heavily on my mind for a while now. I am extremely concerned about what is being fed to so many of our youth. Usually, if I say something like that I’m speaking in a psychological or spiritual capacity but right now I literally mean what is being put into their bellies. I am noticing a pattern of unhealthiness that is most alarming and could have negative long-term effects.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


The older I get the less judgmental I become. It’s still hard for me to wrap my head around the harm people do to others but I do have a better understanding. LIFE. Life is interesting to say the least. It is complicated. Yet it can be very simple at times. It is intricate, fragile, tough and cumulative yet we are given the ability to start anew—somewhat. It’s riddled with unfairness but sometimes the good guys win and karma reigns supreme. We experience some of the most exuberant highs muddled in with some soul-jarring lows. Many of us maneuver between the highs and lows on cruise-control. Is cruise-control good or bad? I mean it can assure that we won’t receive any citations. It’s safe. It may even be the more sensible mode of operation. But, it does not allow us to FEEL. That feeling when you push beyond the limit that society, family, friends or maybe even you imposed upon yourself. That feeling of control when it is your own foot on the gas maneuvering the 2 ton vehicle that is taking you to your next destination. Me, I drive a 5 speed and I put the pedal to the medal bruh. However, that doesn’t always transfer over to my LIFE. I guess it can’t at all times but I think it should happen more often than it does. But then life involves FEAR. You know that learned behavior that causes you to remain in cruise-control. Fear caused by past hurts and 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Analog Girl…

So I recently took a break from social media. I also attempted to take a break or at least cut back
exponentially on my cell phone usage. That second attempt didn’t really go as planned but attempt #1 was awesome. I’m not the type to announce a social media hiatus. I’m more the type to laugh or even scoff at the fact that there are social media hiatuses to be taken and that they may require announcing. See, I am still an analog girl trapped in a digital world. Everyone who rocked hard to “Mama’s Gun” about 14 years ago knows exactly what I’m speaking of. I felt I identified with Erykah’s phrase back then but I feel it now more than ever. We’ve become soooo digital and sorry, I am quite the opposite of a techie. If we could take it back to the technology of somewhere between 1989-1993 I’d be just fine. So Erykah, while I love this phrase you coined, I am inclined to believe that as the years have gone by it probably applies to me more than you. I am slightly upset that I didn’t come up with it myself. But I thank you for it and now I will attempt to convey the depths of my struggles with social media and technology at large.

My social media usage has dwindled considerably for quite some time now. Most people don’t know it but I’m somewhat of a loner. Social media begins to feel crowded and suffocating to me. The thought of sharing my every move and mood with the world can be very unsettling to me. But then I have those days, possibly even weeks in which I’m like---“Heeeey, here’s what I’m doing!”  But as of late you would 

The Results Are In!

CCIA’s 4th Annual Youth Book Drive: Over the last four years we have placed over 600 brand new, culturally inclusive books into eight local Title I elementary schools. Thanks to the help of our local and extended Village this project has become a gift that will benefit countless youth for years to come. We buy the books locally. We promote literacy, positive self-esteem and cultural awareness. We also emphasize community involvement. If we can come together and make this happen; we can come together and do the same for so many other issues that need to be addressed. THANK YOU to ALL who have supported this project! We can’t wait until year five!!

We Did It!!

Posted on March 5, 2014

Peace & Love

Outrage Don’t Look Like This…

LA Riot throw up my handsI ask that you take a brief journey back in time with me. I do this often. I call it “time traveling”. I usually do it alone but today I need your accompaniment. Since you’re new to this I won’t even take you back too far. Close your eyes and let’s go back to April 29, 1992. The location is Los Angeles, California. The country is anxiously awaiting the verdict on the trial of the four officers we witnessed savagely beat 26 year old, unarmed, Rodney King on camera after he led them on a high speed chase. The world saw it on camera so it’s just a matter of how much time they will get. Keep your eyes closed. The verdict is about to be read. “Not guilty”. Gasp. Black America is in a state of shock, outrage and slight disbelief. The mood is explosive, literally explosive. Blacks and Latinos begin to take their anger to the streets. There’s been a culmination of anger and frustration over repeated episodes of police brutality against people of color. Now the people have had enough. Fire, brimstone, misguided but undeniable and many argue justifiable rage unleashes itself in the form of the now infamous “Rodney King Riot” which lasted for almost an entire week. If we traveled further into the past we could revisit Chicago, Detroit, D.C., Newark and Baltimore to witness the riots that occurred as a result of racial tension, the assassination of revered leaders and repeated police brutality. The temperature gage of the people was blistering hot.
 Fast forward to 2012 Trayvon, Jordan and two 17 year old, unarmed, Black male youth were 

My Special B’Day Request

Posted on February 11, 2014

Please Like, Share & Tweet!!


We accept donations Feb 1st -March 1st. Book delivery occurs in mid-March and footage will be available by the end of March. We want you to see where your donations went and we want you to be able to share that warm and fuzzy feeling we get when we see the babies get so exited about these literary gems. Payments can be made via the “Donate: button on or the Clever Communities in Action Facebook page. Payments are processed securely through paypal. If you are interested in making off-line donations please email us at or call 757.918.7879. We are working hard to reach our $2,000 goal this year so please consider making a donation and liking, sharing, forwarding and tweeting this info with your friends and social media network.
A tremendous THANK YOU to ALL who help make this a successful endeavor!!

Stereotypes of a Black Female Misunderstood

why are you singleI’ve been pushed again. Had to bring it back to the keyboards. So let me just put it all out there in the beginning. Straight no chasers. I am a single, Black woman, over 30 with no children. I can hear the collective gasps through my computer screen. Now come the assumptions. Then comes the questions and accusations. Somebody is reading this and thinking they wish they could hook me up with their cousin Junebug. Oh I know. I know it all too well because I’ve been updating this same blog for several years now. There went another assumption. Yup. I telepathically read your mind. But here’s the funny part. We get pumped with all this propaganda and statistics about how most Black women will remain single. If I had a 27 cent for every time somebody says most Black men are in prison, dead, juggling women/baby’s mamas or with white women I’m certain I could treat myself to something very nice. But if y’all believe that hype why are you so mesmerized and at times judgmental at the sight of us single ladies? Can we live?
I would like to remind folks that people are living longer and a significant amount are settling down later in life. I can’t say whether that is by choice or by circumstance but it’s happening. There are even statistics to back those claims but they aren’t nearly as interesting as the “Dear Black Women You Are Destined for Doom” proclamations. I mean the doom stats seem to spark desperation,mass 

More Than a Dreamer

One thing that really annoys me is to be misrepresented. You do not have to agree with my position but do not skew, minimize or alter what I stand for. This leads me to wonder how Dr. King would feel if he were able to witness his legacy as it stands today. If you ask children who he was many will reply “He had a dream”. Many adults will reply the same. Sprinkle in a little bit of he fought for civil rights, marched and led boycotts and of course he was non-violent and there you have it. That’s MLK in a nutshell. My inner history buff takes issue with such a safe and crafted synopsis. Whether you agree with how this man fought for justice one thing cannot be denied. He was brave as hell. But one thing we tend to forget is that in the midst of such bravery he was human. He had a family which he loved. He second guessed himself at times. He was afraid at times. His views began to

My Greatest Desire For 2014 and Beyond

Haleap into 2014ppy New Year Friends! Most of us got to enjoy some valuable time off work during the holiday season. Some are lucky enough to just be heading back today while others are already back in the groove. I had a wonderful time visiting my family and friends but while I was out of town there was a question looming in the back of my mind. What am I going to write for my first blog of the year? I started out with the intent of discussing your new year’s resolutions and whether or not they’re changing and progressing. But then I figured that was just too common and predictable. Blah. Y’all deserve better. So, I decided the best thing I have to give you to start 2014 off right is ME. Well, at least a glimpse inside of my innermost thoughts and desires. I decided to share with you what matters most to me in hopes that kindred spirits will relate and some sleepwalkers will awaken. There is one thing that I long for more than anything else in the world. I dream of it. I work hard to obtain it and I’m not sure that I could keep going if I ever began to feel it wasn’t attainable…

Clever Communities In Action’s 3rd Annual Black History Month Youth Book Drive!

This year CCIA donated over 100 new books to two local elementary schools. Thanks to all the support from our generous donors these school’s libraries are now equipped with culturally inclusive literature. Check out the footage below!

Donating to Our Black History Month Youth Book Drive is Easy!

We are excited to announce the beginning of our 3rd Annual Black History Month Youth Book Drive. Over the last two years we have raised over $3,000.00 and put over 300 books written specifically for Black youth into four elementary schools. With the help of dedicated “Villagers” from across the country we have been able to promote literacy, positive self-esteem and cultural awareness in our youth. We raise funds throughout February and deliver the books in March. This year our goal is to purchase at least 200 books as well as raise money to help Clever Communities In Action expand its abilities to positively affect the lives of our youth.

There is nothing like seeing the excitement on the faces of our children when we deliver them to the schools. There is also a strong sense of community and pride in knowing that this project continues to be successful as a result of the generosity and concern of a lot of different people. It truly takes a village to create the outcomes we wish to see in our youth and to provide them with the supplemental tools they need for a well-rounded education.

DONATING IS EASY AS CLICKING THE LINK  BELOW: A sincere THANK YOU to all of our continued supporters and to our new ones. Let’s make it happen even bigger in 2013!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Happy New Year! Yes, It’s Still New

It’s just like me to write a New Year blog on January 29th. The Aquarian desire for freedom to move at my own pace always reigns supreme. Besides, this year is nowhere near old and you probably didn’t feel like reading the thousands of “It’s 2013” blogs on January 1st so I’m actually right on time. I’m working on my wordiness so I’m going to try to get straight to the point here. Now that I have experienced over three decades of “new beginnings” I want to reflect on what that time has meant for me. Pardon me if I hit you with a few clichés. I hate clichés but man, some of them became undeniably real to me within the last few years.
Number one: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger     
My thoughts to that used to be, why on earth do I want to reach near death(literally or figuratively) in order to learn any lesson??  Well, I still don’t but I will admit this. All trials that I have gone through gave me a better perspective on life’s journey. They helped me understand myself even better. They allowed me to evaluate how I react to certain

Clever Communities In Action’s 3rd Annual Black History Month Youth Book Drive!

Clever Communities In Action’s 3rd Annual Black History Month Youth Book Drive!

Donating to Our Black History Month Youth Book Drive is Easy!

Donating to Our Black History Month Youth Book Drive is Easy!

Happy New Year! Yes, It’s Still New

Happy New Year! Yes, It’s Still New

I’m Sorry. I Thought It Was Just a Date…

I’m Sorry. I Thought It Was Just a Date…