Thursday, October 16, 2014

Happy New Year! Yes, It’s Still New

It’s just like me to write a New Year blog on January 29th. The Aquarian desire for freedom to move at my own pace always reigns supreme. Besides, this year is nowhere near old and you probably didn’t feel like reading the thousands of “It’s 2013” blogs on January 1st so I’m actually right on time. I’m working on my wordiness so I’m going to try to get straight to the point here. Now that I have experienced over three decades of “new beginnings” I want to reflect on what that time has meant for me. Pardon me if I hit you with a few clichés. I hate clichés but man, some of them became undeniably real to me within the last few years.
Number one: What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger     
My thoughts to that used to be, why on earth do I want to reach near death(literally or figuratively) in order to learn any lesson??  Well, I still don’t but I will admit this. All trials that I have gone through gave me a better perspective on life’s journey. They helped me understand myself even better. They allowed me to evaluate how I react to certain

situations. For some, I am proud of my initial response. For others, I am doggedly determined that if I ever find myself there again I WILL come out on TOP. They have given me a stronger sense of preparedness for whatever life may bring my way. I enjoy the peaks but I know I can endure the valleys which leads me to the next…
Number two: The only person, place or thing I can control is my damn self
Sounds like common sense right? Well, I didn’t say I was Confucius. However, I am saying this. I used to be the one who wanted to save everyone. I would buy books, have long conversations, get upset, almost everything short of kicking in the door. I was determined that this person should understand the error of his or her ways. Hey, I’m trying to save you from destruction and regret. I’m trying to save YOU from karma. MY BAD. That is not possible. My desire to see someone change or do better will never override his or her desire or lack-there-of, to do the same. Nowadays, I may discuss it once but I realize I can love people from afar while letting them lead their own lives. Just as I have figured things out on my own, they will do the same. I also will not allow anyone’s destructive behavior to stop me from accomplishing my dreams. Relatives, friends, lovers, I will map out a safe distance between my concern, your behavior and my goals. I may put my feet in but no more diving head and heart first into someone else’s trials.
Number three: It’s NOT that serious
Life is meant to be lived. It is meant to be enjoyed. Every encounter does not have to be a battle and every obstacle does not have to make you come undone. An unexpected bill pops up: Pay it. The girl in the drive-thru was rude: Shrug it off. Flat tire: Could’ve been a wreck. Tires are repairable. I am much slower to get angry than in the past. After dealing with my father suddenly becoming very ill, the rest of that stuff is small freaking potatoes. My father is better now and it put a lot of things into perspective so I appreciate the good even more. The sunshine, good food, family, friends, accomplishments, health; all of these things override the nasty attitude drive-thru girl. Life Is Good!
The last one I care to share: If you believe it and act on it, it will come
There’s a quote from Common that resonates deeply with me. He said “Nobody believed until I believed me.” There it is ladies and gentleman. If you don’t believe you can become a well-respected and sought after chef then why in the heck would I take your for more than a person who just likes to cook? If you don’t believe every woman needs to rock those clothes you designed then how are you going to convince me to buy them? If I didn’t know good and well that my inherent love for my people, my sincerity and 15 plus years of provable action made me qualified to be a Sister who you can count on to inform, inspire and empower our people and our youth then why on earth would you continue to rock with me? The confident belief that you CAN, and the actions that prove you DO, are what will propel you. But it starts with YOU.
So as we navigate through yet another year let’s look back on our lives without fear. We are stronger. I feel like Rocky running up those steps as I type this. Who’s to say we won’t stumble or maybe even fall along the way? The true testament is how we bounce back. If you are alive and reading this then guess what, you have bounced back! So give yourself credit and start working on those goals. We can knock them down one at a time. I believe in myself and I believe in you!
“Life, I wonder, will it take me under?” The answer is NO! Happy New Year Friends.

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