Thursday, October 16, 2014

VA Rally For Justice!

VA Rally For Justice!

 This past weekend on March 24th, Virginia stood up for justice as we held our rally to show solidarity with the family of Trayvon Martin and all families seeking justice for the unjust loss of a loved one. The rally was organized by Clever Communities In Action, Universal Zulu Nation Chapter 30 and Occupy the Hood Hampton Roads. Not even the rain kept people from showing up to support the cause.

There was a plethera of community organizations that came out in the rain to protest injustice and stand in solidarity. Several of them spoke and the recurring theme was that we must be sure to let the emotions we feel as a result of Trayvon’s murder be the  fuel to keep us engaged in strenthening and empowering our own communties. I know that rallies are being held throughout the country but on a personal level, I know we organized this rally in one week. We want people to know that movements are usually born as a result of one person or a group of people being fed up and then deciding to take action. Many people came up to me and said the information and energy from the rally has inspired them to get involved. That is indeed a beautiful thing and a testament that a gathering of people for the same cause can have an impact on peoples’ lives. We can all take ACTION as individuals and collectively. There are numerous organizations that could use help with creating the changes we wish to see around us. VA stood up and I hope we will continue to take a stand and I hope you will too!

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